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About Us

BEE Corporate Ethic & Governance


This Code of Conduct is established as a standard for executives and all employees (staff, commission staff, contract staff) to perform their duties as ‘responsibility on stakeholders’. which is one of an important company’s policy. BEE shall not require our directors and employees including part time staff and outsource staff to act in violation of the Code of Conduct. Additionally, we shall not disadvantage any director or employee as a result of their refusal to act in violation of the Code of Conduct.


This Code of Conduct is specified as a standard to fulfill the objective “Responsibility to all stakeholder” containing;

In respond to customer’s demand on various types of material, we commit to maintain our competitiveness and keep moving forward to face all changes. In addition, we always strive to increase client’s satisfaction, act in good faith and maintain fair and equitable business relations, and continue to be socially and environmentally conscious throughout the supply chain. Therefore, we have established the following guidelines:

  • Code of Conduct for Product Safety
  • Code of Conduct for Fair Trade
  • Code of Conduct for Gifts and Entertainment

Every employee shall be evaluated on fair standards and provided challenging environment to raise employee’s potential. We accept the diversity of fellow colleagues and provide a workplace where all employees can work together as a team. Therefore, we have established the following guidelines:

  • Code of Conduct for keeping positive workplace environment

We are always aware of environment “Responsible Care” as employee who shall be responsible for the society. We distribute eco-friendly products in order to conserve environment and reduce negative impact on environment throughout the product lifecycle. We are enthusiastic to contribute to society and always support diversity toward our business activities. We have established the following guidelines:

  • Code of Conduct for Environment and Safety
  • Code of Conduct for Respect for Human Rights
  • Code of Conduct for Risk Management
  • Code of Conduct for Dedicated to Society
  • Code of Conduct for Anti-social
  • Code of Conduct for Coexistence with International Society

We strive to create and expand business opportunity and always improve business operation and management to be an reliable organization for shareholder with completed transparency. We have established the following guidelines:

  • Code of Conduct for Proper Recording of Information and Disclosure
  • Code of Conduct for Insider Trading Prevention

All groups of stakeholders are important to our business operation. Therefore, we have established the following guidelines:

  • Code of Conduct for Fair Fulfillment of Daily Duties
  • Code of Conduct for Company Asset and Intellectual Property
  • Code of Conduct for Data Management

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